Phone: (706) 408-0444

Informative Trial Simulation & Virtual Jury Services
Perfect your winning trial presentation with the valuable insight provided by Verdict Services’ trial simulation and virtual jury services. By understanding how the jurors arrived at their verdict, you gain crucial insight into your case so you can better hone your presentation. Contact us to arrange a trial simulation or virtual jury that accurately matches your trial venue’s jury pool.

Mock Trials
A full-day mock trial simulation is the most authentic practice run possible for your upcoming trial. Attorneys present a truncated version of their case, including evidence and witnesses, either by deposition video, transcript, or in person on the witness stand. Jurors are then given the majority of the afternoon to deliberate and reach a unanimous verdict.

Focus Groups
A focus group offers you the opportunity to delve deep with the jurors on one or more particular issues that you believe are pivotal to your case. While smaller and shorter than a full mock trial, focus groups can still deliberate and reach a verdict if desired. Verdict Services also offers a format that allows for an extended question-and-answer session between lawyers and jurors.

Online Surveys
When you are short on time or working within a tight budget, our online surveys and virtual jury services are the best way to get valuable insight. We send a narrative presentation of the case to a group of jurors, and they send their feedback to you online.

Accurate Practice Runs
At Verdict Services, we understand people and their communities. Company owner Linton Johnson works with you “gavel to gavel” to choose the right group of jurors to accurately match your venue. We also handle scheduling and logistics, preparing an agenda and questionnaires, and providing on-site coordination to ensure effective and helpful feedback from the jury of your trial simulation.